Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Upper and Lower GI Series Diagnostic Procedures

Barium is a radio-opaque substance that appears like "milk" or chalky white soultion, that constipates the stool.

UPPER GI SERIES (Barium Swallow)
Ingestion of Barium sulfate to outline esophagus and stomach (duodenum too) as well as its physiology, by radiologic (x-ray) examinations

Nursing Implications:
- NPO post midnight
- Encourage fluids to facilitate elimination
- Laxatives as ordered
- Advise for light (clay) colored constipated stool
LOWER GI SERIES (Barium Enema)
Instillation (by enema) of barium, positioning the client for radiologic examinations

Nursing Implications:
- Light diet and Laxative evening prior to test
- Cleansing Enema prior, followed by barium enema, then by series of x-rays, and cleansing enema (to prevent impaction)

****In case both barium swallow and barium enema will be done at one setting, barium enema is done first. !!

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